Wednesday, September 30, 2009

External Laptop Batteries

Is anyone else out there fed up with the dissmal life of the battery that comes with your laptop? And how about the so called "internet cafe" that hardly has any outlets to plugin a mobile device like a laptop?

I've been researching the universal laptop power supply and external notebook batteries to try and find a viable solution to adding to the life of my laptop while on the go. After all, it is suppoe to be a "mobile" device.

I came accross these external laptop batteries that can add up to 10 hours of life to your laptop! Some are even as light as 1 lb. Although some of the longer lasting ones are a little heavier, getting close to 3.5 lbs and costing over $500! That's some serious dough on top of an already expenseive laptop, but the added advantage of not needing an outlet for an entire day of work would be nice! I'm going to do some more research on these and try and post what I find here and let you all know which one I've decided on.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Geek on the Loose!

I'm a self-acclaimed geek! I love electronic gadgetry and looking for great deals on all things electronic. I love trying new things and seeing what works and what doesn't. From laptops, mp3 players, iPods, iPhones, mobile phones, macbooks, you name it, I'm into it if its electronic.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for flashy lights! I hope to share some of my thoughts and review some gadgetry here so stick around and check back.